Descargar Tuneup Media 1.1.9 (Itunes plugin)

TuneUp was created for music lovers, by music lovers. All of us here are entrenched in music. We’re cranking tunes all day. We constantly argue about things like which Radiohead album is best, whether Michael Jackson or Prince would win in a fight, the only five albums we would have on a deserted island and who in the office does the best Running Man.
One thing we all agree on, however, is that our digital music collections were a mess as were our friends’. When we did some testing, we learned that almost everyone had the same problem we did. That’s why we created TuneUp.
We’ll take care of all of this for you automatically. We’re also the type of people who want all of our cover-art, don’t like missing concerts and spend hours online looking for YouTube videos, news, and merch from our favorite artists. We’ve taken care of that too. And there’s more to come…